Immagini Hotel Gardenia
Immagini Hotel Gardenia
Immagini Hotel Gardenia
Home > Information


In order to request information about Hotel Gardenia fill in the following form and send it to us.
Our staff will provide you with the requested information as soon as possible!

Name *
Surname *
Z.I.P. Country
E-mail *

* Compulsory field

According to the Italian Law 196/2003 the Hotel Gardenia will use your address and dates only for its activity, therefore it is resposible of their use. Should you wish to cancel or change your address please kindly write to: "Hotel Gardenia, Via Nazionale, 20 (38029 Passo Tonale) - Comune di Vermiglio (TN) - Italy".

Book your holiday

Contact us for information on our apartments and availability.

Our Staff are always available with all the information required to ensure your stay in Trentino is unforgettable!

Looking for holiday apartments? See the section describing our Anna Residence

Book now your holiday

Prenota la tua vacanza

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